Beautiful, Messy Change

Life feels like it’s swiftly moving past me. You know, like the feeling of sand sliding between your fingers. Or like the feeling that your just standing still, while your surroundings are this blur around you. Well, in my mind, sometimes that means change is going to happen or is currently happening. So, what’s the current theme in my life? Change: face-paced with a side of uncontrollability. Or so it seems.

Over the past year, so many things have changed. It’s hard to keep track. The two biggest factors of the whirlwind of change are that I’ve moved almost 700 miles from the only home I’ve ever known — transitioning from life in upstate New York to life in North Carolina, and I graduated and moved on from what had become my second home — Indiana Wesleyan University. With that, I’ve packed and unpacked my bags eight time, traveled over 1,500 miles, drank more cups of coffee than I can count [to remain sane through it all], and have said more goodbyes than one would wish to in a single lifetime.

Transition is hard. There’s excitement that accompanies transition, but on the other hand there’s a sense of anxiousness about it. No matter what, it’s a difficult thing. Change is overwhelming at times, and I for one did not know how to approach it. There were times when I beamed with excitement of a new chapter in life. But, I also had my fair share of moments when I just wanted to curl up in a blanket and just forget what was going on around me. Let’s face it, we’ve all been there. But, life is still happening around you, whether you acknowledge it or not.

I found myself overwhelmed by the weight of the world, excited but filled with anxious thoughts, unstable, and discouraged at times. I let fear creep in. Fear of the future. Fear of the unknown. Instead of grasping onto Truth, I held onto fear. Maybe because it was easier, but maybe it was because I failed to see the present circumstance through the eyes of Jesus — seeing a time of challenge, but also a time of great growth; seeing closed doors, but knowing something much greater was coming my way; seeing change and unfamiliarity, but remembering the goodness of our God regardless.

Change can sometimes just be a big ‘ol stink, but sometimes it’s the most rewarding, and beautiful mess. And sometimes, change is exactly what we need. Change was what I needed to become more intentional with my friendships and my relationship with the Lord. Change was what I needed to wake up and focus on real life problems instead of sweating the small stuff. Change was what I needed to deepen my love and understanding of God and to see His goodness in everything.

When His grace wrecks you, it all breaks through in a beautiful, overwhelming joy. Soak it in. Rest in His grace. And wholly trust and believe the goodness of our God. Your outlook on life will be changed. Your viewpoint on the trials you face will never be the same. Your perspective on the unknown will be altered.

God is G O O D.

His plans are good.

Because God is good, what He is doing in your life is good.

Sometimes, God doing work in your life looks really messy, but it is still good.

When life is hard, when it’s confusing, when it hurts – it is good.

My circumstances will never be perfect,

But my God will A L W A Y S be.

God is good, y’all. And that pretty much says it all.

– Nicole Joy


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