And So It Begins

Well, folks. This is my very first blog post. Ever. I don’t really know what to tell you to expect from my posts. All I can say is that I like to bring Jesus into conversation a lot. I think there are so many opportunities throughout each and every day to bring up Jesus and to share with others His work in our lives, but we tend to miss out on them. I don’t want to miss those moments. I’m here to be completely real and authentic with you. To share my struggles & joys with you, along with what the Lord is teaching me. I want to cause you, as a reader, to think. To think about how you are living your life and how that reflects not only your attitude/outlook, but also your relationship with Christ. I want to challenge both you and myself to: seek growth in all aspects of our lives — especially spiritually, to be intentional in our relationships, and to continually be in pursuit of our passions.

For me, I always have questions running through my mind regardless of the circumstances. New ideas pop up or I begin to contemplate old ideas and the wheels just start turning. My mind basically runs one-hundred miles a minute.  It’s in those moments though, that putting pen to paper to hash out the unending conversation helps to process those thoughts best for me.

So, that is what I am going to blog about — this crazy, messy, beautiful life that I’m living with Christ as my stronghold & guide. I’ll just be writing out my thoughts as I go about my day and sharing them with you. Like I’ve said before though, treasuring every moment is my heart song. So, I’ll also be sharing pictures of adventures I go on, random crafts done from Pinterest [because everyone likes to see how miserably you fail at them], moments of awkwardness, but mostly moments that I just don’t want to forget. I really just want to journey this life with you.

“I have one desire now – to live a life of reckless abandon for the Lord, putting all my energy and strength into it.” {Elisabeth Elliot}

– Nicole Joy

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