Meet Nicole Joy

Hey there, I’m Nicole. I’m a twenty-two year old girl with a heart full of Christ trying to live and love with reckless abandon. This blog has been in the making for the past two and a half years. I felt lead to create this blog to share Jesus with you, highs and lows, and my adventures because of words spoken to me by a dear friend. Thinking about it only went so far until I began to continually put it off — all leading up to this point when I realized that words have great impact on others and they should be shared.

A few facts about me:

I am so wonderfully full and free in Christ. I love Jesus a whole lot. Worshipping the Lord through song & writing are a few of my favorites.

I have this endless list of goals and dreams that will eventually get crossed off. Let’s face the facts straight on, I find great satisfaction with achieving tasks that I have set before me. I suppose you’d call that ambitions and maybe call me out on being slightly obsessed with organization, but I just like a good challenge – seeking out ways to grow in every area of my life.

I’m a sucker for a good coffee shop —  the aesthetics, warm environment, the conversations that stir up, people watching [in the most non-creepy way], and of course the [coffee] goods. That’s where you’ll find me.

I find great joy in anything outdoorsy. Hiking. Running [especially when I stumble upon a new running trail]. Kayaking. Hammocking. Boating.

I’m a slight book-worm. To the point where I love a new book because of how it smells and the feeling of turning over a different page, but reading doesn’t consume me.

Treasuring every moment is my heart song. Moments discipling. Moments full of sweet laughter. Moments packed with truth. Moments overflowing with goodness. Basically it all boils down to — people are my passion. I created this blog to share moments from this crazy beautiful life AND to share Jesus because he’s pretty great, y’all.

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